33 Ways To Practice Self-Love Today


There are many ways we can describe what self-love means. It’s appreciating yourself, it’s showing love and respect to who you are. Self-love can also mean caring for yourself & needs, prioritizing your mental health & safety, and making decisions that support your overall well-being and growth. When it comes to relationships, self-love means respecting your boundaries, spending time with people that supports you, and that reciprocate the same level of respect, trust & care you provide. Self-love is knowing that you are worthy of unconditional love and grace for yourself, just as you are.

Ways you can practice self-love today:

  1. Feel your feelings. Allowing yourself to honor your emotions is a way to be compassionate with yourself.

  2. Remind yourself that prioritizing your well-being is an act of kindness.

  3. Listen to your body. Ask yourself “What does my body need today?

  4. Celebrate your wins and be proud for all the ways you have been there for yourself.

  5. Be true to yourself. You deserve to show up in the world as your most authentic self.

  6. Wear your favorite outfit.

  7. Unplug from social media for some time, if you need to. Notice how your mind and body feel away from it.

  8. Cook your favorite meal.

  9. Set boundaries with your time and say no to those things you really aren’t able to do.

  10. Take breaks throughout the day. Rest.

  11. Make a playlist with your favorite songs.

  12. Share about your needs with self-kindness and in a positive way. You and your needs are not a burden.

  13. Spray on some of your favorite perfume.

  14. Pack tomorrow’s lunch today so that you’re not rushing to do so in the morning.

  15. Trust in yourself and the decisions that you are making. Remind yourself that you are doing your best with the information that you currently have.

  16. Answer that text when you have the mental capacity to do so.

  17. Light a candle or turn on the diffuser. Enjoy your favorite scent filling up your space.

  18. Take a couple of minutes to be in silence.

  19. Write down 10 things that you appreciate about yourself.

  20. Take a deep breathe. Then another.

  21. Thank yourself for the determination you’ve shown yourself to make those necessary changes.

  22. Make some plans with a friend, a family member or your favorite person.

  23. Watch an episode of your favorite T.V. show or a movie.

  24. Thank your body for everything that has done and is doing for you.

  25. Listen to your favorite album or artist.

  26. Take yourself on a “date.” Plan an outing to your favorite place.

  27. Remind yourself over and over again that you are already enough.

  28. Spend some time reading a recent book or your favorite blog.

  29. Forgive yourself for the things you wish you would’ve handled differently.

  30. Make one of the many recipes you saved on your Pinterest board.

  31. Donate, sell or throw away those clothes that no longer make you feel like your authentic, best self.

  32. Take a walk. Complete an at-home workout from YouTube. Try this free Self Love Yoga class by Yoga With Adrienne.

  33. Honor your commitments with yourself. Follow up on that things you said you wanted to do.


“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.”

-Rupi Kaur


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About me:

I’m a therapist for women & teens in Vero Beach, Florida and I am available via Telehealth across Florida. If you are interested in collaboratively working with me in therapy, you’re welcome to learn more about me and my approach here or schedule an appointment here.


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